Minnesota Intercessor Roundtables
What is this? The Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network (MnAPN) has been holding Intercessor Roundtables for the past 6 years in various locations in the state. This has been a very unique and rewarding type of gathering as men and women from throughout Minnesota gather in a designated county/region to worship and pray together, and to share what the Lord is saying.
What will we do? As we sit in a roundtable setting all those attending have the opportunity to share and lead out in prayer as we discuss various situations or conditions in that county or in our state and nation. The arrangement of sitting in a circle opens the door for all to participate.
What is the cost? There is no registration fee to attend a Roundtable although we will receive an offering.
What if I want a roundtable to come to my county?
1. Contact us at info@calltothewall.org.
2. Find a location that will seat a minimum of 30 people
3. Plan to have coffee and water available. Light snacks are nice.
4. Help get the word out to intercessors in your location
5. Find someone who will lead us in worship.
What locations work for roundtables?
1. Church meeting rooms
2. Community rooms in your City
3. Private Home in the living room or around the Dining Room Table
(This would be for a smaller group)
Upcoming Intercessor Roundtables:
See our Calendar and Events List