Lori Perz/June 6, 2016/Keys noted in the Battle of D-Day

Keys to be noted in the Battle of D-Day!

by Lori Perz
June 6, 2016

(Word given at the Ramsey/Washington County Intercessor Roundtable held at Josiah Center on June 6, 2016.)

 It seemed notable to me that the Lord planned this roundtable, an alliance of two counties in MN, on June 6.  Today is the 72nd anniversary of D-Day, this historic invasion that took place on June 6, 1944 in WWII.  The Allied Forces stormed Omaha Beach to reclaim it from Hitler and his army–and this began a massive turning point in the war.

Additionally, the Lord had led me to glance through some of my old journals and I discovered my notes from an Intercessor Roundtable in Duluth in February of last year.  One of the words that came forward for that roundtable was “D-Day”.

I sensed the Lord asking me to take a closer look at the battle of D-Day and that He had some keys in there for us as the ekklesia in MN.  As I read about it, some themes stood out.

The first theme is courage and sacrifice.  After the dust settled at D-Day, 4,500 soldiers had sacrificed their lives–2,500 of them Americans.  These men laid down their lives for the freedom of not only our nation but the nations.  What would our world look like today if Hitler hadn’t been defeated?  So, for us as the ekklesia in MN, will we courageously step forward and sacrifice in whatever way that the Lord is calling us to…even to the point of laying down our lives?

The second theme is turnaround.  D-Day was a turnaround and a game changer for WWII, and I sensed the Lord undescoring the word that came forth from Jon Hamill of Lamplighter Ministries during the Glory Train gathering in March at Josiah Center.  Jon heard multitude of gavels slamming down and prophesied that the Ancient of Days had rendered a judgment in favor of the saints–a turnaround verdict.  Then, he prophesied that THIS NATION turns from here…from St. Paul MN this NATION will TURNAROUND.  It was a truly historic word.  Adding more weight to the word is the history with this turnaround verdict that was originally proclaimed on July 22, 2014.

Prior to this, groups of intercessors from around the nation had been systematically dealing with the idolatrous structures in our land, including Masonic temples.  This gathering in 2014 is when an official Divorce from Baal was presented in the Courts of Heaven and the judgment was rendered in favor of the saints.  So what happened at the Glory Train in St. Paul a few months ago was an execution of this verdict.

At the Glory Train gathering, Jon also prophesied that we were true spiritual revolutionaries in Minnesota who would arise and turn the tide of evil in our land.  There was a lot of weight on this word and I certainly think of the men who fought in the D-Day battle as revolutionaries.  They turned the tide of the tsunami of evil that Hitler and his regime were perpetuating.

The third theme is Allied Forces.  Just as D-Day was a combined effort of the Allied Forces, so the Lord is uniting and aligning the intercessors tonight and across Minnesota to be an Allied Force.  This is a sign of how not only the intercessors, but the churches in Minnesota, are going to align and come together in new ways to win the war.  This is a sign of the apostolic wineskin coming forth in fresh ways in MN, which has been prophesied to be the Apostolic State.

The fourth theme is overlord.  D-Day was a part of Operation Overlord and the Lord says that He is THE Overlord, the Lord over all, in this state and nation and nations!  He is releasing strategies from the war rooms of heaven that are like a heavenly Operation Overlord for us to advance and win!  When General Eisenhower gave the go-ahead for Operation Overlord he told the troops, “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.  The eyes of the world are upon you.”

In 2016, the eyes of the world are upon what is taking place in the United States and we as the ekklesia can arise and see the turnaround that God has promised!  As the Threshing Floor state, we have a key role to play.  As was prophesied by Chuck Pierce recently in Duluth, as we host the presence of God in MN and worship Him on our threshing floor/altar, so goes the nation.

The fifth theme is confusion in the enemy’s camp.  The Allied forces did campaigns before D-Day to throw the enemy off, even like a ruse.  So, just as Hitler and his armies were sent into confusion by many of the Allied Forces tactics, so as we the Allied Forces of the ekklesia arise, even like the Gideons we have been prophesied to be, the Lord Sabaoth will send confusion into the enemy’s camp and secure our victory!

The sixth theme is taking back enemy territory and establishing a beachhead, which is exactly what D-Day did to help advance the Allied Forces to ultimately secure a victory.  It was called “the beginning of the end of war in Europe.”  So we, the ekklesia, the government of God in Minnesota, are given a charge to take back our land and establish a beachhead for the Lord and His Kingdom to see our spiritual wars won!

Josiah Center was also recently prophesied (by Jim Rickard of RAIN Ministry) to be a “beachhead” of the Kingdom of God in this region.   Additionally, he said that this would be a place with “world class intercessors”.

Finally, as I was looking into these pieces on D-Day, my husband sent me an email on June 1.  One of our family’s favorite musicians is Adam Young (his band is called Owl City).  He is a believer from Owatonna whom the Lord has graced with a global platform.  The email was announcing his new instrumental album.  When I clicked on the email, I was shocked.  It was an album entirely about D-Day!  Of all things!  He said that the album was his rendition of what happened on that day and that it was his way of honoring the men who gave their lives for our nation’s freedom.  I was pretty blown away by the timing of this.

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