David Wagner / October 23-24, 2015 / MN River Valley Conference

Minnesota River Valley Conference


October 2324, 2015
David Wagner

October 23rd 10am – Prophetic Word to Minnesota and the River Valley

And I have come, says the Lord to re-light and re-kindle some fires. For the Lord says that I am going to cause this valley to be known as the miracle valley of the Midwest, for I am about to pour out and I am about to pour in. And the Lord says I am going to saturate this place. For the Lord says that I am about to bring the church to flood stage, for I am causing you to rise above. I am causing you to rise above where you have been. For the Lord says that I am about to do something that will be demonstrative of what looks like the book of Acts, for I am uniting the hearts of churches and ministry.

And I had this dream at 4:44 this morning where I saw wheels within wheels, and the Lord said there is a move within a move. There is a revival within a revival, and as the wheels began to spin, rivers began to go out of the wheels in different directions but then they began to come back together and converge together. What I feel like is this: The Lord is causing there to be a convergence in this region of the local church movement, of the prophetic movement, of the mission’s movement, of the prayer movement, and of all of these different streams that people have tried to keep separate. But I believe right now, you are about to put on display what it looks like to be a part of the kingdom.

I felt the Lord say I am about to pour out my blessing on this region, and I am going to make it like the silicon valley of the Midwest. For the Lord says that I am going to cause this place to be populated with more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the country. For the Lord says it is not about the money, but what you will do with what I deposit into you. For I have made this region even to be like a Joseph’s storehouse. That would distribute the resources of heaven, and that you would become like a funnel. I felt that the Lord said that even in this region, as people would know it, at different times funnel clouds and tornadoes come. It is not a funnel but it is a vortex. What I feel like is this: there is a vortex anointing coming on this region and coming upon those of you within the sound of my voice today, and that the Lord is about to go to every low place and to bring it up.

There is a rising up, now that you are on the verge, you are on the brink of what you have been praying for and waiting for. I feel like the Lord said the moment you have been waiting for isn’t coming but it is here. It is upon you, and I believe you are going to begin to step into it and walk in it and flow in it like never before. The Lord said do not be surprised and do not underestimate you influence not only in the region, but in the nation. For the Lord says I am getting ready to release even steering currents of the Spirit. I am going to release high pressure currents in the Sprit that will begin to dictate and clear the air over this region and over the Midwest. Get ready, says the Lord for I am about to come to those people who do not believe in me. I am about to prove myself to those who have denied me. And the Lord says that I am getting ready to pour out even in traditional churches in this region. I feel like the Lord is about to breathe on the Lutheran, and breath on the Catholic, and he is about to breathe on the Episcopalian and the Anglican. He is about to breathe on the Baptist and the E.V. Free and he is about to breathe on the Reform.  The Lord in this region is about to release the reformers fire.


October 24th 7pm – Prophetic Word to Minnesota and the River Valley

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying “I am going to come like never before. ‘Ready or not, here I come’ shall be the theme over this region. I am coming to anoint you to invade every impossible circumstance and situation. I am going to release a river of my mighty presence and my glory out of this region. And it will begin to flood over into the Dakotas and it will begin to flood into Missouri and into Iowa. It will begin to flood through the Midwest region, “Says the Lord. “I am raising up a remnant who have raised up a standard that says ‘we will not move, we will not bend, we will not compromise.’ For the Lord says, I have found the hearts of the willing ones. I am setting your hearts on fire, and this shall be the valley of the burning ones. For I am going to begin to burn, says the Lord, like never before. I am coming with a holy fire to burn away the dross, to burn away those things that cannot co-exist with you.

Do not underestimate the influence of Minnesota in the year to come. For the Lord says that I am causing the prayers of the saints to prevail, and I am beginning to cause a wind of worship out of this heartland, says the Lord, that shall begin to clear the air and begin to cause the tides to change, even nationally and internationally. There is about to be an invasion and a move where people will begin to come from this place and that place, and the four corners of the earth, and they will come and they will settle here. Not just for opportunity, not just for education, not just for resource, but they will come to be trained and to be launched.

For I heard the Lord say that even Mankato and North Mankato shall be like an Antioch that will begin to raise and train and equip sons and daughters of thunder, sons and daughters of God up and begin to launch them out. Get ready, says the Lord for I releasing a whirlwind of angelic activity. And I am releasing the river of resource through this River Valley Region says the Lord. For I am about to saturate the river beds, I am about to pour out in such a way that the river beds would not be able to contain, the river banks would not be able to contain the flood stage that I am about to bring. For I am beginning to splash over and flow over into denominational systems that have been resistant, says the Lord and I am about to cause those doors to actually be flung wide open. So get ready, for I have chosen you and I have established you for such a time as this. You have not seen anything yet, compared to what you are about to see. For my hand is strong and mighty and I have looked to and fro throughout the earth for those who are loyal to me so that I can show forth my strong right hand.  I am beginning to release my hand that is beginning to release a revolution and a revelation of who I am.

I just feel like there is an army rising up of young and old.  If you want to be around what God is doing next, be around the children, be around the youth, for I felt like the Lord said there is about to be a holy uprising in the region, and I am about to pour out and visit even public schools . I am about to pour out in universities. I am about to come to community colleges, and I am about to break forth the bread of life. This is going to be a season of communion and a season of communication in this region like never before.

The Lord says that heaven is not only invading earth, but heaven is about to consume this corner of the earth. And the Lord says that I am about to make you a regional revival center. Get ready, says the Lord for many will come from far and wide and they will take what I am doing here and take it to the streets of their own community.  But do not expect me to come like I have come in the past, for this next move, this new move is going to be messy. It is going to be uncontrollable; it is going to be unstoppable. It will not be able to be contained in the house. It will not be able to be contained in the four walls of the church. It will not be able to be contained in your prayer rooms; it will not be able to be contained in the nice little packages you would try to build for it. For I heard the Lord say “The Glory is coming back to the streets, and as it comes back to the streets I am going to sweep people off of their feet. Get ready for the Minnesota miracle, as I begin to empty nursing homes and mental wards and hospitals, for the Lord says I am releasing the anointing of the glow of my glory upon your face. It is time for your face to shine, like Moses’ face shined. It is time for your shadow to heal the sick. Didn’t I tell you that greater works will you do now that I go to be with my father? Now the time has come for the greater works and I am about to release the greater works in this Minnesota River Valley.  So grab ahold of it and run with it, for the Lord says that if you do not run with it, it will run over you.  For I am about to cause this to be a season where I will use the willing ones, but I will knock those out of the way who do not want to participate. For time is short, says the Lord, and I have been a long suffering God. But I am restoring a sense of urgency in the earth; I am releasing an urgency and a cry out of this region. That will say the time has come to reap the harvest of souls that is at hand. So get ready, says the Lord!

I am about to awaken America out of Minnesota. I am about to awaken the heart of America out of the heartland. And I saw fields of wheat and fields of corn on fire. The Lord says there is about to be a fire in the heartland that will not be able to be contained or put out by religion or by denomination or by control, and the Lord says that I am raising up those that would be stubborn and strong, and they would say “This is what the Lord said and we are setting our face like flint, and we will not look to the left or to the right but we have set our eyes on what the Lord has said and the Lord will do it, just like he told us.” So get ready for it says the Lord. The time is here, it is upon you. Get ready says the Lord for I have prepared you out of 2015 to step into a sweet’16. You are about to see the sweetness of my presence.  My promise to you is that if you will seek my face, if you will pray, if you will humble yourself, if you will turn…I will turn the heart of America from the heart of the heartland.

Then my servant said “Lord if I could find 100 and Lord if I could find 10, how about Lord if I could find 1, how about: Lord here I am, send me.”

I am telling you that the prayers of Minnesota are going to release a washing in the streets of Washington D.C. I am telling you right now, the Lord is about to raise up a voice. And what I felt is like this: God is not political. He is neither democrat nor republican, He is righteous. And what I feel is this: The Lord is about to tip the scale and you are not going to be known as the “liberal state” but you are going to be known as the state that the Lord will pour our “liberally” because you have become a righteous state. This is going to be the state of the “made-up mind”.  Everyone is looking at Iowa, and looking at New Hampshire, they are looking at South Carolina, but my eye has a bullseye on this heartland region. I feel like the Lord is going to pour out on Minnesota and the Dakotas and it is going to flip things in an unexpected way.

Release the wind of worship. I feel that if you release the wind of worship. If you will come together as the body and you will build a canopy of praise, prayer and worship over this region I will make this region a steering current…that you will steer policy. Policy will be prophesied from this region. Get ready, Get ready for the kingdom has come and my will is about to get done like never before. Hold on to the sense of urgency. Things are not winding down, they are winding up. The best is yet to come for this year, and I am setting you up for the “Sweet’16”, says the Spirit of the Lord.

Call to the Wall